Dog Licenses
In December you can get a dog license for 50% off for $10, the rest of the year it’s $20. Everyone who has a dog in the city limits needs to have a dog license. Available from the City Clerk at 135 S. Main St.
Building Permit & Development Application
Most additions, alterations, repairs, demolishing, signs, etc. require a Building Permit. The Permits are available from the City Clerk. Rockland also has a Building Inspector. Some people try to do projects without a permit. Do so at your own risk, as your insurance company may not cover projects not permitted or inspected, and/or the Building Inspector is empowered to halt construction or order the project removed if it doesn’t have a building permit. Plumbing and electrical require State permits.
Special Use Permit Application
Changing the use of property’s basic use from residential, commercial, or industrial to a different classification. The process begins with the City Clerk.